H. B. Stapley is a working mother who thought it was the right time to finally finish that vexing novel when she had two kids under three—which speaks volumes about her sanity.
A Washington state native now roasting in Arizona, she has always had dark but fantastical stories playing in her head ever since she could remember.
She loves reading, baking cakes, indulging in documentaries on the elusive giant squid, watching her children learn, and cuddling with her extremely hot husband.
What is your favorite genre?
I can't get enough of fantasy because it can encompass such a wide array of topics and even seamlessly slip into other genres. It's so refreshing to be fully removed from the world and inhabit an entirely new one.
What is a goal you are still waiting to start?
There is a three book series I've been wanting to write for over a decade now. I have a good chunk of it written, but the idea of making my debut novel a trilogy was too daunting, so I decided to get my feet wet with a standalone story.
Was there anything else you wanted to be besides a writer when you were a kid?
I was so sure I'd grow up to be a Paleontologist. I was (and still am) fascinated by dinosaurs and ancient ruins. There is something magical about the unknown that stokes the fire to my imagination.
Did you ever have an invisible friend in your childhood?
Yes! I'm pretty sure his name was Charlie, and he was a ghost that only I could see. I told my "real" friends that if anyone else were to get a glimpse of him, they'd die from fright.
If you could be friends with one character in your debut novel,l who would it be? Why?
Definitely Luka. He's the mentor figure in the book, and I didn't realize how much I would love him when I first started developing him. Something about his quiet demeanor calms me, but he can also lay down the law when he needs to.
What do you do to unwind from stress?
Besides reading? I love to drink hot chocolate and watch movies with my husband.
What's one piece of advice you wish you'd known when you first started writing?
The first draft doesn't have to be good. It should be hot garbage! I spent too many years trying to write things perfectly on the first go and wasted time editing as I went. Also, find an accountability buddy!!
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Do you have a question you'd like to ask H.B.? Leave a comment below, and I'll make sure it gets to her!
Want to learn more about H.B.?
Visit her today:
Email: hb@hbstapley.com
Website: www.hbstapley.com
IG: @h.b.stapley_author
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